“Right is of no sex, truth is of no color, God is the Father of us all – and all are brethren.”
Frederick Douglas, American abolitionist, and Founder of the North Star newspaper
Black Lives Matter – our goal is to provide meaningful jewelry to inspire. We support the peaceful BLM protests and stand behind changes to make a difference. No one should be targeted based on the color of their skin. We stand to help bring unity and equality.
We will say their names –
2020 - Johnathon Price, 31 (TX); Dijon Kizzee, 29 (CA); Damian Daniels, 30 (TX); Anthony Mcclain, 32 (CA); Julian Lewis, 60 (GA); Maurice Abisdid-Wagner, 30 (HI); Rayshard Brooks, 27 (GA); Priscilla Slater, 38 (MI); Robert Forbes (CA); Kamal Flowers, 34 (NY); Jamel Floyd, 35 (NY); David Mcatee, 53 (KY); James Scurlock, 22 (NE); Calvin Horton Jr., 43 (MN); Tony McDade, 38 (FL); Dion Johnson, 28 (AZ); George Floyd, 46 (MN); Maurice Gordon, 28 (NJ); Cornelius Fredericks, 16 (MI); Steven Taylor, 33 (CA); Daniel Prude, 30 (NY); Breonna Taylor, 26 (KY); Barry Gedeus, 27 (FL); Manuel Ellis, 33 (WA); Ahmaud Arbery, 25 (GA); Lionel Morris, 25 (AR); Jaqun O;Neill Light, 20 (NC); William Green, 43 (MD); Darius Tarver, 23 (TX); Miciah Lee, 18 (NV)
The Stone
Black onyx is historically known for its protective powers. Black onyx is used to help people during times of stress, confusion, and grief who are looking to become masters of their own future. Black onyx encourages happiness, physical strength, and stamina. All attributes required during this tumultuous time.
The Charms
Blackbird – The blackbird symbolizes intelligence. Blackbirds are known to work together and have different calls to warn of different predators. They work together for their protection.
The Beatles used the symbol of the blackbird in their song “Blackbird” as a symbolic way to support the efforts of the Civil Rights Movement in 1968. We have reached the moment in history when it is time to arise.
“Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise. . . “
North Star – The north star is a symbol of inspiration and hope. It is a landmark that helps those who follow it determine direction leading to a purposeful destination. The star leads by being a beacon of light during the dark of night. The newspaper that bore its name – the North Star was eventually consolidated with another paper. Frederick Douglas and his newspaper were “did more for the freedom and elevation of his race than all of his platform appearance.”